+91 8879280012
+61 401961881
One on One Coaching Engagements; Six or Eight Sessions in a Hybrid or Virtual format over a period of 4 to 6 months. Each session would be for a duration between 60 mins to 90 mins. Coaching could be undertaken for pre-determined AsOD or as per Client’s emergent requirements.
You want Leaders with a difference ? We moult them for you !
We also undertake 8 – 12 month coaching engagements of 10 – 16 sessions for CXOs as their sounding board and confidantes, to help them mull over and identify breakthrough solutions to address thoughts and issues that keep them awake at night.
You want a head that rests gently on a pillow – we help design that pillow !
Purpose Driven
Executive Presence
Impact Measurement
Work Life Balance
Collaborative & Big Picture Thinking
Founder & CEO – Moulting Caterpillar LLP
Subroto Mukherjee is the Founder and CEO of Moulting Caterpillar LLP. He is a professional Coach with over 2100 hours of coaching experience. His 240+ clients are spread across the globe, and work in diverse Industries and Organisations, including the UN. He considers Melbourne, Kolkata and Mumbai as his homes and shares his time between the three locations. Subroto is a Founding Board Director of the ICF Chapter at Kolkata and has developed and pioneered the DRAPE framework for coaching.
As a Coach, Subroto is credentialed PCC – ICF, SP -EMCC, MGSCC & MGLOF, Team Coach.
Hours of professional coaching
Satisfied Customers
Oraganizations Where Our Clients Work