Contrast Your Career & Business Offering – to Grab Eyeballs !

The tall beautiful edifices standout due to their uniqueness but more so because of the contrast they create against their background and foreground. They would appear uninteresting and mediocre in a uniform setting, populated with just tall structures, even if each one was exemplary in their own right.

How are you standing out in your career or business offering palette?
Have you fashioned your career or business offering to complement the needs of businesses or society?

Is your skillset or product contrasting the marketplace and drawing interest due to their uniqueness or are you blindly following others with mere incremental tweaks that blend you in with the background?

Are you just one of a multitude of people or businesses offering similar skills and products and wondering why you are not ‘grabbing eyeballs’?

You need an unbiased, holistic perspective of the big picture from the outside.

The sooner the better, for it is more tedious to change course the longer has been your journey on a pre-determined path.

Connect to Book a Coaching engagement today!

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Promises that Tomorrow Holds.

Every today has a tomorrow. The only thing separating each one of us and our tomorrow is ‘Time’. What is interesting is that ‘our tomorrow’ is shaped by what we ‘Decide’ to do in this ‘Time’ today and what ‘Actions’ we take thereof. Our future as we call it, is a cumulative of all the actions we have taken or not taken in the various ‘slices of time’ in our Todays, past – which we then call as Yesterday.

So, the three main criteria shaping our future are:
Decisions – Action – Time.

How are you shaping your future? Are you able to resolve your dilemmas and act in time before your today flows into the tomorrow that you dream about? Are you somehow not able to stack up your ‘time slices’ in a cohesive manner for meaningful outcomes?

Book a Coaching engagement for the pathway to the future you desire. Connect:

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Cool Your Hotspots.

There are a lot of ‘Hotspots’ in our personal worlds. Areas of high heat, caused by non-congruence and friction of thoughts, ideas, personal chemistry, perceptions & interactions. These end up putting Businesses, Relationships and Careers at risk!

Who is adding to the fire or fanning the flames?
Is there a way to starve the Hotspot of ‘Oxygen’ and overcome a potential disaster?

How can we cool down these Hotspots to manageable levels before they burn the house down?

Rush a ‘fire tender’ quickly on-site to help douse ‘your Hotspots’.

Connect to book your Coaching Engagement today!

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It is Lonely at the Top.

As we are entrusted with higher roles and become Captains in our respective fields, we find ourselves thrust into ultimate leadership roles. Ones that decide the fate of our teams and the Organisations/ Business.

The theories, courses and jargon don’t help. Our readiness to lead depends on our past experiences and how closely we have imbibed from leaders good and bad on our way up. These learnings and our innate leadership traits, reflect in the compassion that we show, the broad shoulders that we have to absorb the slip-ups of our team mates, the steel beneath the velvet glove to take tough decisions when the chips are down, to lead by example, to show-up and lead from the front- come rain, sunshine or personal grief, the professional space that we give our subordinates to excel and grow, the genuine interest that we take in the personal growth and lives of our team members, to never throw our juniors under the bus, the ability to walk the talk; all these and more would measure one’s worth on the leadership scale. It’s finally our team and the results that we deliver, which decide whether we are /were, good leaders or not!

Are you a good leader?
Do you feel a gap somewhere?
Do you think, result...

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Unload your Excess Baggage.

Moving ahead with all our experiences, thoughts and biases, is never a good thing in life. It may make us feel wiser and prepared but it sure slows us down. It’s a good idea to periodically check inventory and clear unwanted baggage.

Start the unloading today and see how you zoom ahead in life!
Have you got a Coach to help identify and unload your excess baggage?

Sign-up for a Coaching engagement today!

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Many Pathways to Your Goal.

There are many pathways to a goal. A pathway that suits one, may not be appropriate for another. What often happens is that ‘reflections and cacophony from the world around,’ disorients us and we may end up spending years experimenting with pathways which are either dead-ends or unsuitable for us.

You need to find a ‘guiding light’ that helps you cut through the clutter and identify your suited pathway at the earliest.

Looking for a trusted guiding light?

Connect to book your Coaching engagement today!

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